Page 13 - Experience Based Co-design - a toolkit for Australia
P. 13

    Co-design is an approach to participatory design (although traditionally of a new product) that seeks to actively involve all stakeholders (e.g. staff, patients, citizens) in a process to help ensure the result meets their needs and is usable.
Designing and delivering services and systems in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using services, their families and their community. (New Economics Foundation)
     Experience Based Design (EBD)
Experience Based Co-Design (EBCD)
    Experience based design was the initial terminology used but was later modified when it was observed there was insufficient focus on the co-design element.
Experience-based co-design involves gathering experiences from patients and staff through in- depth interviewing, observations and group discussions, identifying key “touch points” (emotionally significant points) and assigning positive or negative feelings. A short edited film is created from the patient interviews. This is shown to staff and patients, conveying in an impactful way about how patients experience the service. Staff and patients are then brought together to explore the findings and to work in small groups to identify and implement activities that will improve the service or the care pathway.
The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation defines it as a way of bringing consumers, carers, families and health workers together to improve health services. Giving people an equal voice as active partners in health care improvement leads to better outcomes for all.

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