Page 96 - Experience Based Co-design - a toolkit for Australia
P. 96

A prototype is a rough draft of an improvement. Many kinds of prototypes are used throughout improvement work ranging from a simple verbal description of the improvement through to a full mock-up.
Prototypes can even be made just to help you learn. The key with all prototypes is to be clear about what you need to learn and who from.
Prototyping simply means using a ‘rough draft’ of an improvement or a touchpoint to learn more about it. Prototyping for services can seem difficult because they rely on intangible processes, such as relationships with people. For example, patients want to experience touchpoints such as warm smiles, informative conversations and helpful actions. But in fact, processes typically involve many tangible touchpoints, such as letters, gowns, signage and information booklets.
Prototyping can be used to test new processes, products or services to see if they will work.
Prototyping is used throughout the design process. Early prototypes (such as concepts, descriptions, sketches and diagrams) are very useful for learning more about ideas and how best to develop them further. Later prototypes (such as drafts, role plays or physical mock- ups) are critical for making sure improvements are working as they should to improve patient experiences. Prototyping is a very useful way of engaging in learning with stakeholders and stimulating creativity.
1. Specify whom the improvement idea is for and what you want to learn
Start prototyping by clarifying who exactly the improvement idea is for - be as specific as you can. For example, when developing a patient brochure, your archetypal (target?) patient might be a person who has very little health knowledge and is confused. The next step is to specify what you want to learn by creating the prototype. Even if you have a lot of questions, focus on one or two at a time. For example, if you have a draft brochure for patients who have little health knowledge, find an appropriate patient and ask them to help you with one element such as the pictures and diagrams.
2. Select and develop the simplest prototype
Use the prototype selection template to help you find the simplest possible prototype. Note: the earlier you start prototyping the better your later prototypes are likely to be.
   Adapted with permission from

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