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Advertise with AHHA

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) is Australia’s leading public health peak body advocating for universal and equitable access to high-quality healthcare in Australia. With over 75 years of engagement and experience with the acute, primary and community health sectors, we are a respected and authoritative voice working to ensure better, more integrated healthcare for all Australians.

Reaching decision makers

Advertising with AHHA enables you to reach senior executives, policy and purchasing decision makers, clinicians and academics in healthcare organisations across the country. Our publications are well respected and widely read with a readership that skews towards the executive levels of organisations.

AHHA Publications Include:

  1. The Health Advocate
  2. The Australian Health Review
  3. The Healthcare in Brief

Events and sponsorship

In addition to the opportunities outlined in the AHHA media kit, AHHA periodically offers the opportunity to reach our membership through sponsorship of and exhibition at our events. AHHA events include topic-specific Think Tanks, high-level executive meetings and major conferences. For more information on our upcoming program, please contact us.

For all advertising enquiries, please contact [email protected] or phone (02) 6162 0780 for more information.

Get in touch

Interested in booking advertising with AHHA? Contact us today to find out more.


02 6162 0780

Unit 8, 2 Phipps Close

Deakin ACT 2600

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