Consulting services

Consulting services...
by health sector experts for the health sector

We know health. Through a connected and systemic view, we support Australian healthcare organisations across all sectors in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment.

Our clients have access to a pool of highly experienced and talented individuals, both from the AHHA’s staff and our extensive database of consultants. This group includes those with clinical, managerial, policy and research backgrounds and includes former heads of hospitals and health departments, academic experts and many with extensive international expertise. This range of skills and expertise gives AHHA the flexibility to create extremely targeted teams with specific skill sets as required for each individual client or activity which are capable of delivering the highest quality outcomes in a timely, cost-effective manner.

Talk to us about consulting today.

Explore how we can support you

We’ve supported many healthcare organisations to achieve their goals of improving outcomes for Australians.

Why work with us?

Our expertise

  • We are experts in the Australian health system context and policy environment. ​
  • We work with a broad range of health services across Australia. ​
  • Our experience spans clinical, managerial, policy and research backgrounds through executives, health leaders, academics and consumers locally and internationally
  • We draw on deep industry experience in areas such as clinical governance, evaluation, health and climate, value-based health care, data and digital health, and research, implementation science and knowledge exchange.

Our values

  • Our vision is aligned with government objectives that promote the health and wellbeing of Australians.
  • We recognise the expertise that already exists within our system and our work has the intent of building capability within.
  • Our work drives policies in the long-term interest of the Australian community, not for siloed profit.

Our connections

  • We have established relationships across the Australian and global health sector, including through the International Hospital Federation.​
  • Through the wider AHHA membership and stakeholder base, our consultancy is in the unique position to draw upon the Australian healthcare system and its consumers for input, consultation and piloting in the development of new policies, programs and projects.
  • We support whole-of-system engagement.​


  • We are committed to building, sharing and sustaining the evidence base for reform,
  • We support continuity in vision, and a ‘memory’ of historical activity the system can learn from.​
  • We can facilitate pooling of resources for activity, across sector and across Australia.​
  • We recognise the need to strengthen multi-sectoral collaborations for health through alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • We are committed to protecting the health of future generations


  • We shape the policy debate through communication and socialisation of the best available evidence, understanding where potential resistance and challenges across the sector lie.
  • We possess the capability to act promptly and efficiently.​
  • We can engage stakeholders in, and confidently advocate for investments that that create and maximise value.

Our methodology

Our methodology is underpinned by AHHA’s mission to deliver impactful consulting services that produce sustained outcomes.


Enquire about our consulting services today


02 6162 0780

Unit 8, 2 Phipps Close

Deakin ACT 2600

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