Transforming rehabilitation and recovery services: integrating care for value and outcomes

March 20, 2025

Transforming rehabilitation and recovery services: integrating care for value and outcomes

Across Australia and internationally, we are seeing a growing shift towards paying for value and outcomes in health care. Policy commitments across and between all levels of government, from the Measuring What Matters framework to the Mid-Term Review of the National Health Reform Agreement, reflect this drive to reorient our health system to focus on value and outcomes over volume.

This shift presents both opportunities and challenges for the sector with new skills, capabilities, relationships and understandings between service providers and funders required to enable this transformational change.

Winners of the 2023 Value-Based Health Care People’s Choice Poster Prize, the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), New Zealand’s no-fault accident injury compensation scheme, know all too well the realities of shifting towards paying for value and outcomes.

Having experienced significant challenges in attempting to provide and fund wrap-around care to the clients accessing their service, the ACC embarked on a transformational approach to address the provision of musculoskeletal rehabilitation and recovery services. Using a value-based health care approach, they created the Integrated Care Pathway Musculoskeletal (ICPMSK) service, shifting how ACC purchases health care and delivers rehabilitation outcomes in line with international evidence.

Join us for our next VBHC webinar, where we will hear from the ACC about their journey to VBHC and the lessons they have learned along the way. Discussions will explore the realities of embarking on a shift towards paying for value and outcomes; the skills, capabilities, and relationships necessary to drive change; and what is required to take a pilot initiative and scale it nationwide.

Start Date

March 20, 2025

Start Time:

12:30 pm AEDT

End Date:

March 20, 2025

End Time:

1:30 pm




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