
Showing 151 - 156 of 198 results

‘Today is World Oral Health Day—but the news is not good for Australian adults who cannot afford private care’, says Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association spokesperson Dr Chris Bourke. Dr Bourke, who is Australia’s first Aboriginal dentist,...

‘Today is National Close the Gap Day 2020, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being at increased risk from the current COVID-19 pandemic compared with non-Indigenous Australians’, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association...

The most common complaints against five different health professions are profiled in the latest issue of Australian Health Review (AHR), the professional journal of the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association. An author team led by Professor...

Official Medicare data released in response to an October 2019 Senate Estimates Question on Notice reveal the shocking truth about out-of-pocket costs to see specialists in Australia, says Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association Chief Executive...

‘Research published in the latest issue of Australian Health Review looks at how different population groups interact with Australia’s health system’, according to the AHR ’s chief editor, Professor Gary Day. AHR is the Australian Healthcare and...

‘It’s not surprising that so many patients have reported significant out-of-pocket medical costs, even when they have private health insurance ’, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) Chief Executive Alison Verhoeven said today. Ms...
