AHHA Response to Issues Paper 2 – Scope of Practice Review

AHHA Response to Issues Paper 2 – Scope of Practice Review

26 May 2024

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on Issues Paper 2 – Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce (Scope of Practice) Review.

This submission builds on consultation undertaken with health system leaders in developing the blueprint for health reform towards outcomes-focused, value-based health care, and AHHA’s operating model of continuously listening to and engaging with the experiences and evidence from our members and stakeholders, as we contribute to the evolution of our health system.

Issues Paper 2 of the Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce (Scope of Practice) Review identifies rural and remote areas as ‘an appropriate setting for localisation and applications of reform options, and a key priority for implementation’. It goes on to propose a ‘rural and remote ‘launch pad’ for specific reform to be explored’ (page 30). Accordingly, this submission focuses on how scope of practice reform can be implemented in rural and remote areas, recognising the unique challenges of providing health care in this context, but also the opportunity for innovation that shifts the focus from activity to outcomes and that can inform national policy more broadly.

AHHA Response to Issues Paper 2 – Scope of Practice Review

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