Towards a thriving healthcare workforce

Towards a thriving healthcare workforce

25 October 2022

Protecting healthcare worker wellbeing is a priority for attracting and retaining the workforce. This has always been true, but COVID-19 has shone a spotlight on the critical importance of healthcare worker wellbeing for our health system.

The healthcare system is a shared responsibility between the federal and state governments. Both governments and health service providers have a duty of care towards healthcare workers’ health and safety, which includes protection of their mental health and overall wellbeing. Failure to protect a worker wellbeing will lead to an unsustainable workforce that will have wider implications for the quality and sustainability of all service offerings within the health services.

While this Perspectives Brief considers healthcare workers employed in the context of hospital health services, wellbeing is an issue affecting the broader healthcare workforce, and consideration of the sector in its entirety will be needed to address this issue

Deeble Institute Perspectives Brief No. 24: Towards a thriving healthcare workforce

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