Our collaborations
‘the act of working together with other people or organisations to create or achieve something’
(Cambridge Dictionary, 2024)

International Hospital Federation
Through our membership of the International Hospital Federation, our members connect and learn with hospitals and health services around the world as they explore innovative solutions to common challenges.
Our CEO has been elected as a member of the IHF Governing Council.
Members can engage through a range of events, special interest groups and programs.
AHHA participates in alliances where there is commitment to a common purpose.

AHHA represents its members on a range of committees and working groups, influencing healthcare policy and service delivery across Australia.
In Australia, this includes:
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National Hospitals Information Advisory Committee
- Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee (Human Rights Commission)
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs Health Providers Partnership Forum
- Global Access Partners (GAP) Standing Committee on Health
- Global Green & Healthy Hospitals Network
- Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHPA) Stakeholder Advisory Group
- National Primary and Community Health Network
- Standards Australia Development Committee
- Younger People with Disability in Residential Aged Care Stakeholder Advisory Group
Internationally, this includes:
AHHA also nominates to various Boards and Councils.
In Australia, this includes:
- Australian Council on Healthcare Standards – Board & Council
- HESTA Super Fund – Board
Internationally, this includes:
- Geneva Sustainability Centre – Global Steering Committee member
- International Foundation for Integrated Care – Knowledge Partner
- International Hospital Federation – Member