Scholarships and fellowships
Deeble Institute Scholarship Program
The Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research Scholarships Program aims to strengthen the health services research-policy interface by contributing to an evidence informed workforce and a policy literate academic sector.
Working alongside staff at the peak national health body, the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), scholarship recipients will be supported to establish connections with policymakers and practitioners working in their field of research and to produce a Health Policy Issues Brief that engages health policy leaders in an area of national health policy significance.
Deeble Institute Fellow
Named in honour of Professor John Deeble AO (1931-2018), health economist, co-architect of Medicare, founding director of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, life member of the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association, and namesake of the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research (AHHA); the Deeble Institute Fellowship is awarded to an outstanding mid-career researcher whose research commitment reflects Professor Deeble’s legacy of universal healthcare through affordable, quality healthcare for all.