Health system leadership

‘Leadership is accepting the responsibility to create conditions that enable others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty’

Recognising health leadership with the Sidney Sax medal

Each year, AHHA awards the Sidney Sax Medal to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the development and improvement of the Australian healthcare system in the field of health services policy, organisation, delivery and research (excluding clinical research).

This award honours Dr Sidney Sax, who was effectively Australia’s first health planner, now a recognised health professional discipline. Dr Sax played a key role during this period in the development of Medibank, our first universal national health insurance scheme, along with Professor John Deeble.

Read more about Dr Sidney Sax and the Sidney Sax medalists.

System leaders have been described as ‘individuals who can foster collective leadership in the face of systemic challenges in order to exceed the reach of existing institutions and their hierarchical structures of authority.’

Developing health leadership through global networks

Each year, AHHA members are eligible to apply for the International Hospital Federation Young Executive Leadership program.

AHHA members can also participate in Association Leaders Circles, Special Interest Groups and networks.

Developing early career researchers

Each year, the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research offers scholarships and fellowships to early and mid-career researchers, supporting them to acquire the expertise to become proficient health policy practitioners.

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