The Australian Health Review
The Australian Health Review (AHR) is the peer reviewed journal of the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) and is published six times per year.
It explores major national and international health issues and questions. Topics include all aspects of health policy and management, healthcare delivery systems, clinical programs, health financing and other matters of interest to those working in health care.
It also publishes new research from practitioners – managers and clinicians – and reports of breakthrough projects that demonstrate better ways of delivering care.
The views expressed in the AHR are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of our organisation or the journal’s publisher, CSIRO.
AHHA is supported by our major sponsor, HESTA.
Publish your work
We encourage our members to consider submitting their work for publication. Publishing your papers with AHHA is a great way to be heard by others. It gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts, opinions and knowledge but also to learn from colleagues. Share your ideas and influence the Australian health system.
Our readership includes managers, policy makers and clinical staff in health organisations including government departments, hospitals, Primary Health Networks, community centres and aged-care facilities, as well as all others with an interest in the health industry. The journal enables health professionals to keep their fingers on the pulse of the nation’s health decisions and to know what the most influential commentators and decision makers are thinking. The AHR is published six times a year and is available online and in hard copy.