
Why join AHHA?

AHHA members are part of a community of health sector thought leaders, growing and shaping Australia’s health system. Our community of members have access to a wide range of services, resources and connections designed to help meet the challenges of this rapidly evolving sector.

Connecting nationally and globally​

A shared commitment to universal, high-quality health care is needed that brings the health system together to drive solutions.

As the national peak body for public and not-for-profit hospital and healthcare providers, our membership is diverse – state health departments, Local Hospital Networks and public hospitals, community health services, Primary Health Networks and primary healthcare providers, aged care providers, universities, individual health professionals and academics.

Members connect around areas of shared interest through roundtables and other forums, communications and alliances, such as for aged care, climate and health, and oral health.

Through our membership of the International Hospital Federation, our members connect and learn with hospitals and health services around the world as they explore innovative solutions to common challenges.

Engage in the health reform agenda​

The collective work of health leaders across Australia in ensuring a person-centred, outcomes-focused and sustainable health system which prioritises equity, could not be more important.

Our members contribute to our priorities, position statements, submissions and media engagement. We work to ensure their views and experiences are reflected in developing policies.

Translate research into policy and practice​

The strength of AHHA’s advocacy lies in its basis in evidence. Evidence must be the cornerstone for health policy development in Australia. This requires connecting researchers, policymakers and practitioners and by creating opportunities to translate research into good health policy and practice.

AHHA promotes high quality research in our peer-reviewed journal Australian Health Review; and Issues, Evidence and Perspective Briefs published through our Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research. Our members publish through us to influence and inform the health system, and use this evidence in pursuit of our vision.

Share and showcase

In the health sector, it is the diffusion of ideas and embedding of adaptive business models that will allow innovation to flourish. We support members to share and showcase their achievements through our digital magazine, The Health Advocate, webinars and events.

Implement value-based health care​

The process of change can be hard. It is made easier when supported and informed by others addressing similar challenges.

Through the work of the Australian Centre for Value-Based Health Care, we connect our members with activity occurring nationally and globally. We offer monthly webinars, education programs and events. Our members also commission us to support specific projects that align with our vision and values and can inform health policy.

Stay informed​

The health system is influenced by the actions of a broad range of stakeholders, both within and external to the health sector. This includes health, education, labour, trade, finance, gender and social welfare, as well as the engagement of the private sector, and across all levels of government – from the local to the national.

Through our newsletters, members are alerted to key national activity that is influencing our sector. We draw together views to ensure coherent messaging, critical to producing good policy and health outcomes.

Eligibility for full membership

To be eligible for full membership’, organisations must be public or not-for-profit organisations or individuals involved in the provision of hospital and healthcare services, including:

  • State or Territory health departments
  • Hospitals or hospital and health service networks or districts
  • Primary Health Networks
  • Community health services
  • Aged care service providers
  • Multipurpose services
  • Other direct healthcare services
  • Universities, education providers, research institutes or other academic entities
  • Other entities closely associated with the objects of the AHHA.

Note: Entities or individuals who do not meet membership eligibility can still engage with AHHA and our value-based health care programs.

While eligibility for AHHA membership requires you to be a public or not-for-profit organisation, there are many other ways we connect with and work with private and for-profit entities and individuals. Select ‘Engage with us’ from the main menu to explore these options.

Membership pricing


Support the vision of AHHA with a donation

Contact us about membership


+61 2 6162 0780

Ngunnawal Country

Unit 8, 2 Phipps Close
Deakin ACT 2600

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