Anthony Schembri

Anthony Schembri

Board Member

Anthony Schembri is the CEO of the St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney. As CEO, St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney, Anthony is accountable for the overall leadership and management of St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney which comprises St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, Sacred Heart Health Service, St Joseph’s Hospital Auburn and St Vincent’s Correctional Health Service at Parklea Correctional Centre.

Anthony holds appointment as Board Director Central & Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network, Board Director for the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Board Director for the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute,  Board Director for the National Centre for Clinical Research of Emerging Drugs, Board Director of the St Vincent’s Curran Foundation, Board Councillor of Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE) and Co Chair of Australian Catholic University/St Vincent’s Nursing Research Institute

Anthony is an Adjunct Professor in Health Sciences at the Australian Catholic University and Associate Professor of the St Vincent’s Clinical School of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New South Wales. Prior to this Anthony was employed in General Manager roles at Liverpool Hospital, Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital and Fairfield Hospital. Anthony has also held the role of Clinical Director for Allied Health and hospital social work roles.

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