AHHA submission to the Inquiry into the recognition of unpaid carers

AHHA submission to the Inquiry into the recognition of unpaid carers

17 July 2023

In 2020 carers saved the government $77.9 billion in healthcare expenditure. Carers experience negative impacts on their physical, mental, social and financial status as a result of their caring role. There is limited support for carers in our community resulting in poor health and wellbeing outcomes for carers.

Minimal data are available to provide a clear picture of carer demographics, and how their needs can best be met. Frameworks to assess carers’ needs exist, however these are not nationally implemented resulting in inconsistencies in the amount and type of resources recommended and inequalities in the delivery of health care. The development and implementation of a national standardised framework will assist in identifying carers and their needs and will be critical to facilitate appropriate allocation of resources.

AHHA submission to the Inquiry into the recognition of unpaid carers

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