AHHA is Australia’s national peak body for public hospitals and healthcare providers. Our membership includes state health departments, Local Hospital Networks (LHNs) and public hospitals, community health services, Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and primary healthcare providers, aged care providers, universities, individual health professionals and academics. As such, we are uniquely placed to be an independent, national voice for universal high-quality healthcare to benefit the
whole community.
To achieve a healthy Australia supported by the best possible healthcare system, AHHA recommends Australia reorientate the healthcare system over the next 10 years by enabling outcomes-focused and value-based healthcare. This requires:
- A nationally unified and regionally controlled health system that puts patients at the centre;
- Performance information and reporting that is fit for purpose;
- A health workforce that exists to serve and meet population health needs;
- Funding that is sustainable and appropriate to support a high quality health system.