Universal Healthcare in Australia: Prof John Deeble’s legacy more relevant than ever

Universal Healthcare in Australia: Prof John Deeble’s legacy more relevant than ever

8 October 2021

With forthright views on injustice in health, Professor John Deeble had heart-felt concerns about the social and personal costs of poor health in the community.

In Australia, COVID-19 has played a role in both triggering and exacerbating inequalities in healthcare, particularly for vulnerable populations.

If we are to maintain Professor Deeble’s legacy of universal healthcare, affordable, quality healthcare for all, health policies based on the principles of universal healthcare that protect the population in its entirety, including those who are more vulnerable, must be strengthened.

This will require a nationally unified and regionally controlled health system that puts people at its core.

Deeble Institute Perspectives Brief No. 18: Universal Healthcare in Australia: Prof John Deeble’s legacy more relevant than ever

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