Health Care Homes: principles and enablers for their implementation in Australia

Health Care Homes: principles and enablers for their implementation in Australia

20 April 2017

This Issues Brief highlights the work that still needs to be done to ensure that the Health Care Home trial paves the way for enduring reform. From our research, including examining other coordinated care models in Australia and overseas, we think the following shared principles must be signed up to by all involved:

  • a holistic view of health and wellbeing
  • patient and family centred healthcare
  • continuous and collaborative relationships
  • comprehensive team-based approach
  • shared decision making with patients.
  • coordinated care across the system.
  • accessible, affordable, equitable and appropriate care
  • high-value, evidence-based, safe, and quality care
  • well-supported health care workforce and workplaces
  • sustainable funding, including alignment of the business model and the care model.

Deeble Issues Brief No. 21: Health Care Homes: principles and enablers for their implementation in Australia

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