National Health & Hospitals Reform Commission Interim Report

National Health & Hospitals Reform Commission Interim Report

1 March 2008

Specific comments are made below on selected Commission proposals.

The AHHA believes that, on the whole, the Commission’s Interim Report has addressed the core themes and key reform directions for an improved health system. The AHHA does not, however, necessarily agree with all the approaches suggested – for example, the creation of more statutory authorities with responsibility for safety and quality, and Indigenous health, risk fragmenting the system further. The AHHA suggests that very clear accountability and incentives throughout the system for service and performance standards related to these issues would achieve the same result of improved outcomes. Unfortunately there is little hard evidence to show which approach is more effective, however the proliferation of separate bodies risks a continuation of silos in the health system and the potential for blame shifting when results are not achieved.

National Health & Hospitals Reform Commission Interim Report

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