Restorative and wellbeing care in Australian residential aged care facilities

Restorative and wellbeing care in Australian residential aged care facilities

30 May 2024

The delivery of restorative and wellbeing care is important for improving independence and self-assurance in older Australians. However, in Australia the routine delivery of restorative and wellbeing care in residential aged care (RAC) is limited. The minimum care standards, workforce structure, funding, and data collection for allied health services in RAC are significant barriers to providing restorative and wellbeing care in Australia.

RAC facilities are required to provide access to allied health services under The Aged Care Quality Standards. However, this does not guarantee residents receive allied health services and the restorative and wellbeing care they provide.

This Policy Brief discusses the allied health governance, data collection, and funding barriers to accessing or providing high-quality restorative and wellbeing care in Australian RAC.

Deeble Issues Brief No. 54 - Restorative and wellbeing care in Australian residential aged care facilities

Deeble Issues Brief No. 54 - SUMMARY

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